Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Travels of Tassie

We've been travelling Tassie for a long time. We've been travelling for 4 and a half weeks. 

We went to Treetops where you ride on lots of zip lines. The highest one was 50 meters and the longest zipline was 400 meters. It went over a river. I didn't like the longest one because I didn't get to the end and I had to put my hands up high on the harness and push my arms forwards really fast to push the wheels. They call it walrus-ing.

We went on an awesome boat ride where we went through caves on Bruny Island. On the boat trip there were lots of sharp turns. We went 50km/h and there were 3 big engines on the back of the boat. We saw some Common Dolphins and they had baby dolphins with them. We also saw some seals. The seals were fur coated and mostly male. They were big and fat and sun baking on the rocks to dry off.

Living on Bertha is like living in a house the shape of a bus. With wheels. My bed is really comfortable and I love snuggling up with Mum and Dad in the morning because they don't have to go to work. Bertha broke down, so now we are hobos travelling from caravan park to caravan park. Its really annoying because nothing has its own spot. Bertha needs a new engine because the old one had done 1 000 000 more kilometres than we thought. We should get her back soon. It was cool watching her get lifted up onto the tow truck.

In the caravan parks, there are lots of kids and I made friends with two of them.

At Queenstown, Dad and I played soccer on the football ground. We also saw people playing cricket on there. The Queenstown sports ground was sand and gravel not grass.

At ZooDoo, we saw meercats. Lots of them! And one little tiny baby. You can see it in the photo above under the laying-down meercat's chin. We also went on a safari bus. We went inside an emu and ostritch enclosure and we went in an alpaca's enclosure. And we also went into the camel enclosure. The camel's head came right into the bus. Spit!

At the Hobart museum, we saw a room for the thylacine. There was another room full of stuffed animals which I really liked.


At Platypus House we played with some echidnas on a guided tour. There were 3 platypus and also the biggest platypus in Australia. His name is Jupiter.


  1. Wow Angus, what a lovely blog entry. So nice to read about your experiences, you have done so many things already. Thanks for writing so nicely, like the photo's too! XXHilly

  2. Great blog entry Angus! I can tell from your stories that you are really loving seeing all the animals! You are doing and seeing so much and it must be great to spend so much time with your mum and dad. Hope you get Bertha back soon xx

  3. How did you manage all this! Were you worried once you found out the bus was broken? I hope you had a great time in Tasmania. when you get the bus back set off straight away. Hope you have a great journey. Jamie
